This week I made some stand sculptures, and for those who do not know what they are, it's basically using the new 1.8 Armor Stands to do different things, here is an example of a simple stand sculpture:
This sculpture is a very basic one, all it has is a pig with disable AI and an invisible Armor Stand right in front of it. Now usually armor stands cannot hold anything and are visible, this can be changed with /entitydata command, if in the {DataTag} spot {Invisible:1} is placed, the armor stand will turn invisible, but will still be there and take any items it's right clicked with. In order for it to hold an item, you have to do another /entitydata command, but this time instead of {DataTag} place {ShowArms:1}. If the armor stand would be visible, 2 arms will show, and when you right click the right one, it will take the item you're holding. This way you can make a floating axe. the second problem is to set the floating axe so it looks fitting, one way is of course to teleport the armor stand around, but it might leave an ugly angle of the axe. Although some teleportation will be required, without changing the rotation and angle of Stands Arm it won't look fine. To change the rotation you will have to replace {DataTag} in /entitydata with {Pose:RightArm:{Xf,Rf,Yf}} now, the X, Y and R represent X axis, Y axis and Rotation, the f after them is needed by the game to find it's what you want, not some random numbers. For example, to do a hand going straight down you would do: {Pose:RightArm:{0f,0f,0f}} now, from what I've expirienced while working with those I came to the following conclusion:
This shows the {0f,0f,0f} position, now if we would change X to 90 we would get this:
Now, if we would use the R coordinate, it will start getting harder, as soon as you would do {90f,90f,0f}, the hand would rotate and would automatically change to this:
Because together with the Hand rotation, the X and Y axises also change to whatever the hands position is at the moment, so in order to get the image below with R=90 you have to make Y=-90:
If anyone wants to do stand sculpting now, you know how to, here is two more stand sculptures I made:
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